Development of a Digital Self-help Tool for People Seeking Information (LMI) for Educational and Vocational Guidance in the Field of Educational and Vocational Guidance
IMT, orientation scolaire et professionnelle, technologies numériques, informations sur le marché du travailAbstract
Labour market information (LMI) is an integral part of the professional practice of guidance counsellors, as well as employment and career development advisors. The aim of this partnership-based applied research project was to create a digital platform designed to facilitate the use of LMI for guidance counsellors and their clients. To this end, we will report on the five stages that led to the design and production of this digital platform: ideation and determination of the digital platform's objectives, functionalities, needs and target clienteles, co-design of the platform's design, analysis of user needs, technical development of the platform and assessment by career counsellors. This research revealed that, according to a study conducted by the Conseil de l'information sur le marché du travail (CIMT, 2019), the most important LMI features for advisors are: timeliness, reliability, ease of use, completeness and specificity. This research also determined that L'Accompagnateur numérique en IMT meets the needs of counsellors by being easy to use and listing an appreciable number of websites (75) while categorizing them into different sections to aid the LMI search.
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