Virtual Career Counselling Support: Ethical Reflections from Career Counsellors
Remote support, distance counselling, ethics, digital technologiesAbstract
The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has been an integral part of career development practice for over 40 years (Sampson et al, 2020). However, counselling at distance is a more recent phenomenon. Few career development practitioners were providing counselling at distance before the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic (Ozenne et al, 2018; Turcotte & Goyer, 2017). Many authors point out the importance for practitioners to be trained in the ethical requirements relevant to these intervention modalities (Anthony, 2015; Bimrose et al, 2015; Haberstroh et al, 2008). Stories from 27 career counsellors were collected before the pandemic. Many testimonials referring to reflections of an ethical nature have been reported. We note that these professionals, subject to a code of ethics, are questioning the manner and the merits of intervening by using these modalities of distance intervention, whether through the use of videoconferencing, telephone or email exchanges.
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