L’auto-efficacité professionnelle en tant que médiateur entre l’intelligence émotionnelle et la planification de l’emploi chez les étudiants américains


  • Magnus Gray University of Arkansas at Monticello
  • Minsung Kim Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center
  • Seungyeon Lee University of Arkansas at Monticello



Mots-clés :

Les 5 grands traits de personnalité, l'auto-efficacité du choix de carrière, indécision de carrière, échelle de planification de la carrière des étudiants, l'intelligence émotionnelle


This study examines the dynamics of personality traits that interfere with occupational decisions among young adults, especially during a pandemic. Three multiple regression analyses were conducted to predict career decision self-efficacy (CDSE), e.g., planning and indecision from the Big 5 personality measures. We hypothesized that EI and personality affect employment conflicts (Study 1), and that CDSE mediates EI and planning difficulty (Study 2). Conscientiousness and openness significantly predicted CDSE, F(5, 128) = 15.64, p < .001, R2 = .38, while neuroticism was statistically significant in predicting CSPS, F(5, 128) = 3.94, p < .01, R2 = .13. Neuroticism was significant for personality variables while a negative correlation was found between EI and career indecision (r = -0.25, at p < .01). Results demonstrate that the positive effect of CDSE mediated EI’s link to career indecision, which reveals that conscientiousness also predicted participants’ occupational indecision (β = -0.17, p < .05).

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Minsung Kim, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center

Assistant Professor of Asian Languages


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Comment citer

Gray, M., Kim, M., & Lee, S. (2021). L’auto-efficacité professionnelle en tant que médiateur entre l’intelligence émotionnelle et la planification de l’emploi chez les étudiants américains. La Revue Canadienne De développement De carrière, 20(2), 70–76. https://doi.org/10.53379/cjcd.2021.85



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