A Pathway Model of Emotionally-Associated Predictors of US College Students’ Career Indecision


  • Seungyeon Lee University of Arkansas at Monticello https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6406-0470
  • Magnus A Gray University of Arkansas at Monticello
  • Minsung Kim Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center




Career decision self-efficacy (CDSE), career indecision, career student planning, emotional intelligence (EI), social well-beings


This small-scale study establishes a pathway model to explain how variables with emotional content affect career indecision in higher education. We investigated a total of 240 undergraduate students and a pathway model of direct and indirect effects surrounding career indecision was made by using structural equation modeling (SEM). Our pathway model shows a positive direct effect of procrastination on career indecision (β = .13, p < .001), with negative direct effects on EI, life satisfaction, CDSE, and planning, in terms of career conflict. EI shows a positive correlation with CDSE (β = .51, p < .001). Findings indicate that emotionally-related variables are good predictors of psychology students’ career concerns.


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path made out of multicolored wooden boards



How to Cite

Lee, S., Gray, M. A., & Kim, M. . (2022). A Pathway Model of Emotionally-Associated Predictors of US College Students’ Career Indecision. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 21(1), 94–99. https://doi.org/10.53379/cjcd.2022.329


