Career and Guidance Counsellors Working in French Language Secondary Schools in Ontario: An Inventory of Current Tasks and Perceived Competence
career and guidance counsellors, perception of incompetence, training of career and guidance counsellorsAbstract
In a North-American context, the practice of career and guidance counselling is plagued with many issues depending on jurisdiction. Usually those issues are related to the fact that career and guidance counsellors are obliged to engage in practices that are not always related to their profession. Considering the fact that career and guidance counsellors in Ontario are mainly teachers with little formal education and no clinical training, the current study’s objective was to identify, describe, and conceptualize the tasks accomplished by N = 73 career and guidance counsellors working in French-language secondary schools in Ontario. Results suggest that career and guidance counsellors in Ontario spend a great deal of time on tasks unrelated to career and guidance counselling. Furthermore, a correlation between the amount of time allocated to, and the perceived level of competence in, completing some of the daily tasks accomplished by participants was identified. Finally, results suggest that career and guidance counsellors in Ontario often perceive themselves as being incompetent when it comes to some of the essential tasks associated with career and guidance counselling.
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