Ethnolinguistic Identity and Vocational Readiness as Non-Cognitive Factors Related to College Adaptation and Satisfaction with Life Among Franco-Ontarian Post-Secondary Students Living in an Anglo-Dominant Context


  • André Samson University of Ottawa
  • Alexander R Maisonneuve University of Ottawa
  • Zacharie Saint-Georges University of Ottawa


vocational readiness, college adaptation, satisfaction with life, ethnolinguistic identity, minorities


The purpose of this research was to determine how Francophone Ethnolinguistic Identity and Vocational Readiness, facilitate the College Adaptation and predict students’ Satisfaction with Life. Using a sample of 179 first-year students, the development of a novel scale used to measure Vocational Readiness, or the degree to which a student is ready to make a post-secondary program choice and be engaged in the transition to post-secondary studies, was done and validated. Correlational analyses showed that all aspects of Vocational Readiness are consistently associated with better overall Adaptation in College and overall Vocational Readiness is associated with all subscales of College Adaptation. Regression analyses showed that Vocational Readiness was a significant predictor of College Adaptation and Satisfaction with Life Francophone Ethnolinguistic Identity was also a significant predictor of Satisfaction with Life. The interaction between Vocational Readiness and Francophone Ethnolinguistic Identity (Model F) was a significant, negative predictor of Satisfaction with Life. Post-hoc regression analyses indicated that both Vocational Readiness and Francophone Ethnolinguistic Identity are significant predictors of Social Adaptation. 

Author Biographies

André Samson, University of Ottawa

Faculty of Education

Alexander R Maisonneuve, University of Ottawa

Faculty of Health Sciences.

Zacharie Saint-Georges, University of Ottawa

Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine.


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How to Cite

Samson, A., Maisonneuve, A. R., & Saint-Georges, Z. (2021). Ethnolinguistic Identity and Vocational Readiness as Non-Cognitive Factors Related to College Adaptation and Satisfaction with Life Among Franco-Ontarian Post-Secondary Students Living in an Anglo-Dominant Context. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 20(1), 17–27. Retrieved from


