An Axe and a Handshake – A Scoping Review of the Transition from Public Safety Occupations
public safety personnel, retirement, Gradual retirement, career transitions, occupational identityAbstract
Exiting a public safety occupation (e.g., paramedics, police, firefighters) and entering retirement is unique in many ways. There are heightened risks and demands associated with essential emergency services that involve personal sacrifices and commitment and the absence of this intense role is significant requiring an adjustment. Public safety personnel (PSP) leave their professions for various reasons including age-related retirement and forced retirement due to illness or injury and little is known about their experiences during the transition. The objective of this review is to summarize the existing body of research.
The methodology for scoping reviews outlined in the five-stage framework by Arksey and O’Malley (2005) was followed. Abstract screening of 5,801 papers yielded 128 studies for full-text screening. Forty-five papers were accepted by at least two of three reviewers for data extraction and analysis. High level themes emerged including cumulative impacts, separation from identity and culture, and buffers.
The study found that there is a need for planning and support for those exiting public safety professions. Financial planning is the focus of pre-planning when it exists and applied research is needed to further understand psychosocial risk and protective factors to support the development of acceptable transition strategies and resources.
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