Mentorship as a Career Intervention: An Evaluation of a Peer-Mentoring Program with Canadian University Psychology Students


  • Zarina A. Giannone University of British Columbia
  • Michelle M. Gagnon University of Saskatchewan
  • Hank C.H Ko University of Toronto


mentoring, peer-mentorship, career intervention, higher education, psychology


This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) Student Mentorship Program, a formal peer-mentoring program for undergraduate students (mentees) and graduate students (mentors) studying psychology in Canada. Previous researchers have not sufficiently examined the effectiveness of formal peer-mentoring programs, particularly within the psychology discipline in higher education settings. The purpose of this investigation was to explore the program’s effectiveness as a career intervention, including its acceptability, feasibility, outcomes, strengths, and limitations. One hundred and seventy-eight students participated in the program and data was collected at three time points (at baseline, three and six months). Descriptive and inferential statistics were obtained, in addition to minimally inductive content analyses for open-ended items. Results indicated that most mentors (63%) and mentees (58%) experienced the program as effective to highly effective, with 100% of participants supporting of the continuation of the program. Overall, 86% of mentors and 63% of mentees reported that participation in the program was moderately to strongly related to the achievement of their career goals. Program strengths and limitations were identified which reinforce aspects of the program that have served participants well, in addition to areas which should be improved for future iterations of the peer-mentoring program.


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How to Cite

Giannone, Z. A. ., Gagnon, M. M. ., & Ko, H. C. . (2018). Mentorship as a Career Intervention: An Evaluation of a Peer-Mentoring Program with Canadian University Psychology Students. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 17(2), 4–24. Retrieved from


