Applying Neuro-Informed Career-Focused Counselling: A Single Case Study Analysis
Neuroscience, career counselling, bullyingAbstract
This article will present findings from a single case study analysis on the application of Informed Career-Focused Counselling proposed by Luke and Field (2007). A search of Google Scholar for academic sources on the application of neuroscience to career counselling returned few publications. The only publications with neuroscience and career counselling in the title included a book chapter by Luke and Field (2017) and an article by Dickinson, Miller, and Beeson (2021). There are further articles that reference neuroscience in career counselling; however overall, the contribution of neuroscience to career counselling remains limited. This article hopes to address this gap in the literature by exploring how theories from neuroscience can be applied in career counselling. In response to suggestions that career counselling requires further research and models to prove its effectiveness (Bernes, Bardick, & Orr, 2007; Guindon & Richmond, 2005). This article proposes that neuroscience may be a fruitful discipline to explore for this reason.
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