Contextual Factors that Influence the Career Decision-Making Process for Indo-Canadian Young Women Entering the Social Sciences


  • Priya S. Mani University of Manitoba


Indo-Canadian, youth, women, social sciences, career decision making


Through the use of a descriptive case study approach (Yin, 2003), this study examined the perception of various contextual factors that are involved in the career development of IndoCanadian young women who enter undergraduate applied social science programs. The perception of various contexts of human development that had an impact on formulating their career interests were norms and expectations based within the (a) dominant society, (b) immediate family, (c) ethnic community, and (d) various educational environments. Results indicated that students’ perception of self-efficacy regarding managing various social contexts contributed to their career decision-making process. Implications for counsellors are discussed.


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How to Cite

Mani, P. S. . (2006). Contextual Factors that Influence the Career Decision-Making Process for Indo-Canadian Young Women Entering the Social Sciences. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 5(1), 4–11. Retrieved from


