Advancing Older Workers: Motivations, Adaptabilities, and Ongoing Career Engagement


  • Jennifer Luke University of Southern Queensland
  • Roberta A. Neault Life Strategies Ltd


older workers, adaptability, career, engagement


There is international government, private sector, and not-for-profit interest in the aging workforce and how to retain or re-engage retirement-age workers to address skills gaps and strengthen productivity. Traditionally, however, the career development sector has paid relatively little attention to this demographic. Published Australian research (Luke, McIlveen, & Perera, 2016) has examined the motivations of individuals who have retired (or are considering it) to stay engaged or re-engage in the workforce. Grounded in developmental and constructivist career theories, this article provides an international (trans-Pacific) perspective on the value of older workers, how to meet their workplace needs and expectations, and what it will take for them to achieve and sustain an optimal level of career adaptability and career engagement. Analysis of vignettes based on interviews with post-retirement-age workers from the aforementioned published research, demonstrates how the career engagement model can provide a practical conceptual framework for influencing policy and supporting career decision-making and lifelong career management for this cohort.


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How to Cite

Luke, J. ., & Neault, R. A. (2020). Advancing Older Workers: Motivations, Adaptabilities, and Ongoing Career Engagement. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 19(1), 48–55. Retrieved from


