Look Before You Leap: The Role of Self-Employment Coaching Self-Efficacy in Facilitating Client's Success


  • Roberta A. Neault Life Strategies Ltd
  • Deirdre A. Pickerell Life Strategies Ltd
  • Cassandra M. Saunders Life Strategies Ltd


self-employment, coaching, self-efficacy, clients, success, facilitation


In follow-up to the Look Before You Leap: Self Employment Survival Strategies project, the authors engaged Canadian Career Development Practitioners
(CDPs) in an exploratory study looking at their overall opinions regarding selfemployment, including whether or not it is a viable option for clients and the factors that contribute to CDPs engaging in self-employment conversations. This article begins by reviewing the “Look Before You Leap” project and the various resources developed through project activities, then outlines the findings from the follow-up study where the authors coined the term self-employment coaching self-efficacy and link this concept to the frequency with which CDPs engage in self-employment conversations. Results revealed that CDPs are less likely to engage in conversations with clients if they don’t feel fully equipped to have those conversations. Other aspects related to perceptions of self-employment as a viable option for clients are also explored.


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How to Cite

Neault, R. A. ., Pickerell, D. A. ., & Saunders, C. M. . (2012). Look Before You Leap: The Role of Self-Employment Coaching Self-Efficacy in Facilitating Client’s Success. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 11(1), 59–66. Retrieved from https://cjcd-rcdc.ceric.ca/index.php/cjcd/article/view/217


