Career Writing: Creative, Expressive, and Reflective Approaches to Narrative Career Learning and Guidance


  • Reinekke Lengelle Athabasca University
  • Frans Meijers The Hague University of Applied Sciences


career, writing, narrative, career learning, guidance, narrative approaches, career identity


Narrative approaches in careers guidance have been developed to address the increasing complexity, insecurity, and individualization of the career journey. Well-founded practical and creative approaches are needed to help students and guidance professionals construct narratives that provide both meaning and direction. The authors argue for career writing to promote career learning and distinguish three types: creative, expressive, and reflective writing. The necessity of developing a career identity (i.e. narrative) will be discussed and a model of writing for transformation will be presented along with exercises that can be used and examples from practice.


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How to Cite

Lengelle, R., & Meijers, F. (2015). Career Writing: Creative, Expressive, and Reflective Approaches to Narrative Career Learning and Guidance. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 14(1), 19–31. Retrieved from


