Does Work Have to Make Sense? Work Engagement in a Group of Micro-Entrepreneurs. The Mediating Role of Coherence at Work


  • Arkadiusz Mirosław Jasiński University of Opole
  • Marcin M. Ociepa University of Opole


sense of coherence, work engagement, job satisfaction, meaningfulness of work, micro-entrepreneurs


There is increasing interest in psychological research concerning sense of coherence and its associations with psychological functioning in workplace. In an attempt to confirm and extend previous knowledge on this topic, in a three wave study, we investigated the relationships between coherence at work, job satisfaction and work engagement. The final sample consisted of 80 business owners (micro-entrepreneurs) operating in Poland and Germany. Women accounted for 48.75% of respondents. Either a high level of job satisfaction, coherence at work, and work engagement are being observed in the examined study. Meaningfulness of work, manageability at work, and job satisfaction are most closely related to work engagement. Meaningfulness of work represents the most essential indicator of work engagement. Results suggest that coherence at work is a mediator between job satisfaction and work engagement. 

Author Biographies

Arkadiusz Mirosław Jasiński, University of Opole

Institute of Psychology, Department of Labour and General Psychology.

Marcin M. Ociepa, University of Opole

 Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology of the Republic of Poland


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How to Cite

Jasiński, A. M., & Ociepa, M. M. (2021). Does Work Have to Make Sense? Work Engagement in a Group of Micro-Entrepreneurs. The Mediating Role of Coherence at Work. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 20(1), 30–43. Retrieved from


