Developmentally Relevant Career Constructs: Response Patterns of Youth with ADHD and LDs
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, negative career throughts, attitudes, post-school transition, vocational identityAbstract
The vocational needs of adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Learning Disabilities (LDs) have been generally overlooked in vocational research. Exploration of relevant career development constructs can illuminate our understanding of the post-school transition needs and strengths of youth with disabilities. Given the increasing prevalence of these disorders, this study compared the response patterns of 258 adolescents with ADHD and LDs on dimensions of career thoughts, attitudes, and vocational identity. Participants were administered the Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI),
Career Maturity Inventory –R (CMI-R), and Vocational Identity (VI) to examine the differences in response patterns. Using univariate ANOVA analyses, results showed that levels of VI were significantly related to all CTI subscales and a CMI-R subscale. A diagnosis of LD or ADHD was significantly related to the Decision-Making Confusion (DMC) subscale of the CTI and the CMI-Att subscale of the CMI-R. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.
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