Adaptability and Workplace Subjective Well-Being: The Effects of Meaning and Purpose on Young Workers in the Workplace
adaptability, meaning and purpose, workplace, subjective well-being, work stressAbstract
Adaptability is described as the apt mental, behavioural, and/or emotional modifications individuals make to deal with change, challenges, and uncertainty. The present paper builds on the recently developed measurement work of the adaptability construct, investigates the relationship between adaptability and meaning and purpose (a well-being factor) and the role of adaptability in predicting workplace subjective well-being (work engagement, job satisfaction, and handling work stress) relevant to the young workforce. The adaptability study concluded that implicit theories and personality significantly projected adaptability. Further, adaptability is shown as the predictor of well-being (including meaning and purpose) after accounting for the effects of presage factors. These results presume implications for executives and practitioners pursuing to identify and address young workers’ approaches to their challenging and adverse workplace demands, and how meaning and purpose may assist these workers in better adjustment and engagement in their workplace.
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