Employer Branding: Through the Lens of Career Growth and Organizational Attractiveness





Career growth opportunities, Employer branding, Organizational Attractiveness Signalling theory, Social Identity Theory, Word of mouth, Use of social media


This study explores the key role that employer branding plays in shaping individual career development and the attractiveness of an organization in general, especially in the IT industry. A thorough literature analysis that grounds the study in well-established employer branding theories complements the qualitative provided by in-depth interviews with HR managers. The study uses the SORA (Summary Oral Reflective Analytics) to uncover complex viewpoints. It reveals the interdependence of social media and word-of-mouth, highlighting their combined impact on career growth opportunities and organizational attractiveness. The managerial implications arising from these findings provide firms with practical tactics that emphasize the strategic integration of social media and word-of-mouth to maximize employer branding initiatives. As well as this study also recognizes the vital part that these interconnected aspects play in determining achievement in the competitive IT landscape and provides practical insights to drive organizational practices.

Author Biographies

Shimmy Francis, Christ Univeristy

Shimmy Francis pursuing PhD in management.at the School of Business and Management, Christ University of Bangaluru, India. Research interest in, Employer branding, Human Recourse Management, Organisation Behaviour. Patent published for developing a concept Employee Stickiness: A Conceptual Framework.

Sangeetha Rangasamy, Christ University

Dr. Sangeetha Rangasamy is currently working as an Associate professor of Management, at Christ University in Bengaluru, India. Research interests and publications are in the fields of Banking, Stock market and Econometrics. Has done a major research project on, “Financial Literacy and Investment Behaviour of Middle-Class Families in Karnataka” which is funded by CHRIST Deemed to be University. Since 2016 actively supported the Statistics Department of RBI to build their quantitative database for primary survey with Households, firms and MSME. Successfully guided 2 MPhil Scholars and currently guiding 2 PhD Scholars. Have published 28 research papers in National and International peer reviewed journals.


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How to Cite

Francis, S., & Rangasamy, S. (2024). Employer Branding: Through the Lens of Career Growth and Organizational Attractiveness. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 23(2), 149–168. https://doi.org/10.53379/cjcd.2024.395


