Employment-Seeking Behaviours Among Newly Certified Ontario Teachers
teacher preparation programs, employment of newly certified teachers, regulation 274, student debtAbstract
In Ontario, Canada, the legislation commonly known as Regulation 274, outlines how newly certified teachers in the province are offered employment in the province’s schools, and limits their options for immediate full-time employment in teaching.. The new 2-year certification teacher preparation program in Ontario, which started in the fall of 2015, produced its first cohort of teachers in spring 2017. The cohort is arguably the best prepared group of teachers ever produced in the province, since they have twice the professional training (both course hours and practicum time) of any previous cohort of teachers in the jurisdiction. However, Regulation 274 continues to limit their access to immediate full-time employment in the profession. The researchers sought to identify the job-seeking behaviours and plans of this new group of teachers and to examine correlations between the group’s job seeking behaviours and plans, in the current employment climate of the province, and their level of student debt as they exit the two-year preparation program, as well as other factors that may affect their employment in the profession. Debt and other social factors were found to influence employment decisions of these new teachers.
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