A Career Development Course for Academic Credit: An Outcome Analysis


  • Jeanette Hung Dalhousie University


career development, academic credit, outcome analysis, course


An undergraduate career development course focusing on theoretical models, concepts, and practices was analyzed using pre- and post- course measures of the Career Decision Scale, the Career Maturity Inventory and the Career Factors Inventory. Significant increases were found on measures of Career Certainty, and significant decreases were found on Career Indecision, Career Choice Anxiety, and Generalized Indecisiveness. Females demonstrated statistically significant mean score changes on measures of Career Choice Anxiety, Generalized Indecisiveness, Career Certainty and Indecision and on Career Competencies. Males showed a statistically significant change only on the increased Need for Self-Knowledge. The two gender groups differed only on the post-course measure of Career Indecision.


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How to Cite

Hung, J. (2002). A Career Development Course for Academic Credit: An Outcome Analysis. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 1(1), 22–26. Retrieved from https://cjcd-rcdc.ceric.ca/index.php/cjcd/article/view/317


