The Effects of Context and Experience on the Scientific Career Choices of Canadian Adolescents
context, experience, scientific career, career choice, canadian, adolescentsAbstract
This study explored the differential utility of contextual and experiential factors in the prediction of scientific career aspirations. Specific propositions based on the Lent et al. ( 1994) socialcognitive model of career choice were also examined. Data were obtained from a Canadian national subgroup (n=--3,306) of adolescents (13-19 years) who participated in the National Youth and Science Fair Project Study (NYSPS). Multivariate logistic regression analyses indicated that family background, scientific learning experiences, science self-efficacy measures, outcome expectancies, and scientific interests contributed significant unique variance to the prediction of scientific career choice. Results of a final model revealed that students aspiring for a career in the sciences were more likely than their peers to be male, senior students, have higher grades in science, more interest in science, and expect their science courses to be useful to
their future career. Scientific self-efficacy and outcome expectancies were found to have direct effects on choice goals. Outcome expectancies also had an indirect effect on choice goals through scientific interests. Scientific interests had a significant direct effect on choice goals. Implications for career development/choice theory and practice arc discussed.
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