The Intersection of Gender & Race: Effects on the Incidence of Promotions


  • Dr. Margaret Yap Ryerson University


intersection, gender, race, promotion, impact


Using administrative data from a large firm in Canada, this empirical paper first explores the determinants of promotions and then looks at the advancement experiences of white women, minority men and minority women relative to white men. Findings show that white men enjoy a comparative advantage over white females, minority males and minority females. Both horizontal segregation (job family) and vertical segregation (job levels) have significant negative implications on the career advancement of race/gender minority groups. Organizations’ policies, programs and practices that strive for a transparent promotion process will help ensure fair advancement opportunities for all employees, irrespective of their gender or race.


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How to Cite

Yap, D. M. . (2010). The Intersection of Gender & Race: Effects on the Incidence of Promotions. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 9(2), 22–33. Retrieved from


