Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training in Enhancing Teaching Self Efficacy of Career-frustrated Teachers in Ondo State, Nigeria
emotional intelligence, training, self efficacy, teachers, career-frustrated, NigeriaAbstract
This study experimentally investigated the effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence Training on teaching self-efficacy of career-frustrated teachers in Ondo State, Nigeria. The sample consisted of 60 randomly selected careerfrustrated secondary school teachers (Male = 48 & Female 42; Internal Locus of Control = 24 & External Locus of Control = 36) in Ondo state. Teacher Sense of Efficacy Scale, Locus of control of Behaviour scale and demographic data form were administered to the teachers. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) and Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA) were used to analyse the data .The results of the study showed that Emotional Intelligence Training effectively enhanced teaching self-efficacy of careerfrustrated teachers. Locus of control significantly influenced teaching self-efficacy of the experimental group, while gender was not significant. The implications of the findings for counselling and school administration were discussed. It was recommended that emotional intelligence training of career-frustrated teachers should be encouraged to improve
their teaching self-efficacy.
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