Intersections of Career Development and Post Secondary Education for Indigenous Students: Exploring the Integrity of Social and Cultural Issues


  • Suzanne L. Stewart University of Toronto
  • Allison Reeves University of Toronto


career development, post secondary, education, indigenous, indigenous students, social issues, cultural issues


Indigenous peoples in Canada often have unique experiences of finding and keeping work, which are strongly tied to cultural and community identity and histories. This paper explores the relationship of career development with post secondary education. These two facets of life for Indigenous peoples seem to intersect around issues of discrimination, modeling and mentoring, and access to education and career opportunities, which are discussed through a review of literature and the presentation of new data from two Indigenous research projects. Implications for career development and educational practices presented offer concrete guidelines for changing the way universities service the career needs of Indigenous students.


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How to Cite

Stewart, S. L. ., & Reeves, A. . (2013). Intersections of Career Development and Post Secondary Education for Indigenous Students: Exploring the Integrity of Social and Cultural Issues. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 12(2), 92–103. Retrieved from


