Career Planning in Ontario Grade 10 Students: Student Perspectives
career planning, ontario, grade 10, students, counsellorAbstract
Despite the recognized importance of career guidance to postsecondary access and persistence, research with key stakeholders in Canadian secondary schools is meager at best. This study sought the perspectives of Ontario school guidance staff on the career planning context of Grade 10 students. Students entering the workforce were seen to have the most difficulty with career planning and university-bound students the least. Respondents suggested that most students recognize the importance of career planning and that self-exploration and broad exploratory information regarding careers would be most useful to them. Counsellors also indicated that career planning information would be best provided via interactive web sites, a comprehensive ‘one-stop’ web site or workplace experience. Among the resources currently available, individual interaction with counsellors and experiential opportunities such as co-operative programs or the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program and computer programs such as Career Cruising were rated as most helpful. Suggestions for additional resources are also noted and the implications for current practice are discussed.
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