Embedding Informational Interviews into Postsecondary Curriculum


  • Abdullah Al-Ani University of Calgary
  • Terryn Bourhill University of Calgary
  • Derrick E. Rancourt University of Calgary


Informational Interview, Postsecondary, Curriculum


An informational interview is a traditional career exploration technique. Students have a conversation with professionals where they seek advice on their career (Fiske, 2016). They can also be used to find information on industry and specific workplaces. A form of rapid prototype testing (Burnett & Evans, 2016), after each interview, the interviewer makes changes to their career vision and plan – refining it through additional interviews. These interviews help students build a network of contacts in a specific professional area. They can also benefit the interviewees by helping them to build a candidate pool for future hires. Although it is taboo for interviewers to ask for employment, IIs often lead to employment via planned happenstance (Mitchell, Al Levin, & Krumboltz, 1999). This makes it a more effective job search strategy than conventional applications because there is a significant hidden job market (Burnett & Evans, 2016).

Author Biographies

Abdullah Al-Ani, University of Calgary

Cumming School of Medicine

Terryn Bourhill, University of Calgary

Cumming School of Medicine

Derrick E. Rancourt, University of Calgary

Cumming School of Medicine


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How to Cite

Al-Ani, A., Bourhill, T., & Rancourt, D. E. . (2020). Embedding Informational Interviews into Postsecondary Curriculum. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 19(2), 33–44. Retrieved from https://cjcd-rcdc.ceric.ca/index.php/cjcd/article/view/16



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